2010年6月29日 星期二

1st time ...

Rain !!!
It was raining almost 2 hours...
So, many team of the inter-class basketball match
were delayed
including my class' girl team ....
iishh~ I hate rain !!

This is my first time to take part in the
Inter-class basketball match ....
Nervous ?
Of course have a little bit nervous ...
But I think next time will be better ^^
Although we lose the game ...
But I think that is just a start ...
Although we have done some mistaken
like give them some chances to shoot the ball
But is OK ...
Of course we hope to win the game
But I think we must confidence and be strong =]
Hope we can win the match vs J3T
Good Luck and be strong !!!

And thanks all the people that support us just now
Thank you very much !!!

Happy Birthday to Vilyn !! =]

p/s:I have had a cup of banana milk , chocolate , orange juice , chocolate cake ...
Do you think I am getting crazy .... energy!!!! =]

